We are pleased to announce that the club is open once again (from Monday 12th April) and look forward to seeing you back on court. Thanks to all our members for their patience and support over the latest lockdown period.
Before you step back on court for the first time, we would ask that you familiarise yourself with the revised playing rules and permitted playing formats. Please see the announcement for full details..

Coming out of the latest lockdown, and taking into account government guidelines as well as guidance from England Squash, the club will offer restricted facilities.
We continue to take a cautious approach, with the safety of our members, their families and those of our staff and coaches our foremost priority. Please remember that our building is quite small and the layout is awkward in places, and it therefore presents its own unique difficulties in the current situation. We are aiming to start small and will adapt as we see how well the arrangements pan out.
The arrangements for re-opening are outlined below, including your obligations as players. Apologies for the long email, but there are a number of changes to explain.
Reduced facilities:
In accordance with England Squash recommendations, the changing rooms and showers will be out of action and we ask that members do not attempt to use them. The toilets will be available but will only be cleaned once per day, so please do not use these other than in an emergency.
As a result of the restrictions, we have isolated the upper floor and the bar area will remain closed until further notice. In order to supervise the initial re-opening of the club, and in order to ensure the courts and club are thoroughly cleaned before play every day, courts will be able to be booked between 10:30am and 10:30pm each day. All members, including off-peak and juniors, will be allowed to play in these periods.
The club will be closed (locked) outside of those hours. Please do not attempt to access the club. Please note that there are new CCTV cameras covering all three courts in order to ensure we can accurately track and trace those who have played at the club when called upon to alert those who may have been in contact with someone who has contracted Covid.
Entry and exit:
As before, the club will operate a one-way system with entry through the main door and exit through the fire exit door behind court 3. The mens’ changing room will not be in use and therefore access to court 3 will be through the ground floor corridor for both male and female members. Note that the doors to the changing rooms will be removed to reduce the number of touch points.
Exit will not be permitted from the main door. Entry will not be permitted via the exit door. The keypad at the front door is no longer in use. You will only need to present your entry card to the cardreader to gain entry to the club.
Please arrive not more than 5 minutes before your allotted court time, wearing your playing kit except for your shoes. We suggest that you wear outdoor shoes which are easy to slip on and off. Please leave the club immediately after your court time has elapsed via the fire exit door.
We recommend you use hand sanitizer before entry to the club and upon exit Hand sanitizers will be installed along with anti-bacterial dispensers outside each court and by the entrance and exit to the club. Please make use of them!
Please try to touch as little as possible while you are in the club. It should be possible to open the entry and exit doors with your elbow or body; please try not to use your hands.
Touching the court door handle is unavoidable to exit the court, so please sanitize your hands immediately afterwards, and as you exit the court please wipe the handle using the antibacterial wipes provided.
- Court bookings will operate from 10:30am – 10:45pm each day (see note about extended hours in future).
- Courts will be 45 minutes as usual, with a 15 minute gap between bookings.
- There is no option to ‘turn up and play’ – members must book courts in advance
- Guests are not allowed to play at the club until otherwise advised (see track and trace comments)
- Visitors are not allowed to enter or remain in the building. If a parent of a junior player, we recommend you wait outside to collect your child after the session has ended.
Member Conduct:
- All members should uphold the rules and politely remind anyone who is not doing so
- Should you see someone ignore the rules, we ask that you report such behaviour to the committee
- Flagrant violation of these rules will be followed up which may result in being barred from using the club.
- No one who is self-isolating or feeling unwell should enter the grounds
- Social distancing must be maintained at all times
- Bring a phone in case of medical emergency and essential supplies to treat minor emergencies
On-and-off-court rules:
- Arrive ready to play in the correct squash attire
- No more than 2 people allowed on court at any one time
- Please take off your outdoor shoes before entering the court. We suggest that you walk onto court in socks then put on your court shoes inside the court.
- Please do not wear outside shoes on court, or vice-versa. The courts have just been refurbished and as always we take great pride in their condition.
- Bring your own drinks in a closed lid water bottle and own towel to wipe away sweat
- Do not wipe your hands on the walls
- Remove any tissues and litter from the court and dispose of it in the pedal bins or take it home
- When exiting the court, wipe down the court doors and door handles using wipes and store in bins provided
- For opponents not from the same household or support bubble:
- No handshaking/physical contact
- Each player should place their belongings separately at the front of the court
- We recommend you bring a fresh ball on court (or use a freshly cleaned one) and that the ball be either thrown away or thoroughly cleaned after play.
- Only one person should serve/touch the ball
Coaching & Rules of Play:
- 1-on-1 coaching will be permitted subject to England Squash social distancing rules
- Coaches may be permitted to coach one individual per session
- Junior group coaching is permitted at this stage
Game/Play formats allowed:
- Members of the same household may play as normal (and those in a support bubble)
- Solo practice
- Junior coaching
- 1-1 adult coaching with an accredited squash coach
Please see England Squash’s Back to Squash for the latest recommendations.
Supporting Information:
Management Committee Woking Squash Rackets Club